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Nygårds, Jakob and Svensson Svenungsson, Ellika, 2020. The elasticity of demand for phosphorus fertilisers in Swedish agriculture : a panel data study of price effects on phosphorus compounds in chemical fertilisers. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Economics



Chemical fertilisers are common in the Swedish agriculture and even though there is a decreasing trend of using chemical fertilisers, they still have major negative impact on the environment (Swedish Board of Agriculture, 2019). This study focuses on the price elasticity of demand for phosphorus fertilisers in Swedish agriculture and how price changes of phosphorus fertilisers affect farmers. The aim is to contribute with estimations of the price effects on Swedish demand of phosphorus fertilisers.
A panel data set is used to estimate a log-log model through an OLS-technique. The data set is mainly aggregated on county level with data from fifteen southern counties in Sweden. Five models are produced with various number of variables. The results show that the long run price elasticity of phosphorus is approximately (-0.449) which indicates that phosphorus content in fertilisers is inelastic. The results also show that four out of five variables are significant.
The result from this study is in line with previous studies on nitrogen fertilisers. In addition, the conclusion is that farmers are affected by price changes to some extent. Yet a tax would not dramatically decrease the use of phosphorus fertilisers. However, a tax policy has several intentions and a combination of a small decrease in the use of fertilisers and a governmental tax revenue would enable investments in green technology and in the agricultural sector.
This study also discusses different policy instrument as a possible future solution. For instance, an import tariff would target unsustainable foreign phosphorus supply and simultaneously encourage innovation to enable domestic and sustainable extraction of phosphorus.

Main title:The elasticity of demand for phosphorus fertilisers in Swedish agriculture
Subtitle:a panel data study of price effects on phosphorus compounds in chemical fertilisers
Authors:Nygårds, Jakob and Svensson Svenungsson, Ellika
Supervisor:Hart, Robert and Ustyuzhanina, Polina
Examiner:Rommel, Jens
Series:Examensarbete / SLU, Institutionen för ekonomi
Volume/Sequential designation:1295
Year of Publication:2020
Level and depth descriptor:First cycle, G2E
Student's programme affiliation:NY008 Agronomprogrammet ekonomi 300 HEC
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Dept. of Economics
Keywords:agriculture, econometrics, fertilisers, import tariff, panel data, price elasticity, phosphorus, tax
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Agricultural economics and policies
Deposited On:14 Sep 2020 06:16
Metadata Last Modified:15 Sep 2020 01:01

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