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Nezehose, Marthe, 2019. Farmers’ perceptions on the effectiveness of push pull technology to control maize stem borer (Chilo Partellus) in Gatsibo District of Rwanda. Second cycle, A2E. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. of Biosystems and Technology (from 130101)



This case study investigated the perceptions of farmers and the historical effectiveness of
push-pull technology to control the maize stem borer (Chilo Partellus) in Nyagihanga
sector of Gatsibo District (Rwanda). The investigation was done in collaboration with Food
for the Hungry/Rwanda, an organization operating in the mentioned region. Historical data
from the region show that the push pull technology can significantly increase maize yield
while decreasing damages by the maize stem borer. The agronomist and livelihood officer at
Food for the Hungry/Rwanda and 27 farmers participated in the study. Semi-structured
interviews were conducted in February 2019. The material was analyzed using a framework
(thematic) analysis of farmers ‘narratives about the push pull technology. Maize harvest
during three consecutive growing seasons (2016A, 2017A and 2018A) showed a remarkable
and continuous increase of yield in push pull plots, in comparison with a maize monoculture.
Farmers appreciated the technology, mentioning a range of benefits during the interviews but
they stressed the challenging side of it. The most-mentioned benefits of the method were
stem borer control, maize yield increase and fodder for animals. On the other hand, the mostmentioned
limitations were the increase of labor cost (for the very first installation), the
necessity of a new crop rotation and the difficulty to access high quality desmodium seeds.
The results of the study show that push pull technology is beneficial, as many other previous
researchers have proven, especially for maize stem borer control. Nevertheless, the working
environment, consisting of the agriculture policy and regulations, the food needs and the
income state of smallholders, and many other external factors can have a detrimental impact
on it as a farming system. Because the current agricultural policy is not actively supporting
the adoption of the push pull technology, the development of a strong collaboration between
all the stakeholders is essential to establish a strong maize production system.

Main title:Farmers’ perceptions on the effectiveness of push pull technology to control maize stem borer (Chilo Partellus) in Gatsibo District of Rwanda
Authors:Nezehose, Marthe
Supervisor:Tasin, Marco and Hofny-Collins, Anna
Examiner:Dekker, Teun
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2019
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:LM005 Agroecology - Master's programme 120 HEC
Supervising department:(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Biosystems and Technology (from 130101)
Keywords:push pull technology, stem borer, desmodium, Napier grass, ecological interactions
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Agricultural economics and policies
Agrarian structure
Deposited On:04 Dec 2019 08:56
Metadata Last Modified:29 May 2020 13:15

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