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Knibb, Matthew, 2018. Factors affecting damage to Scots pine in a multiple ungulate species system. Second cycle, A2E. Umeå: SLU, Dept. of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies



Managing browsing impacts on commercial forestry is one of the main aims of ungulate management in Sweden, with Scots Pine being one of the major forestry species. Moose is the ungulate species with the greatest management focus, although in parts of Sweden it is forms a multiple ungulate species system, along with red deer, roe deer and fallow deer. Land use is also thought to be a significant factor on ungulate behaviour and resulting feeding impacts. But which species, and which land uses, result in increased economic damage to pine trees? By monitoring ungulate density, land use and browsing damages across multiple years and at locations across Sweden, these relationships were modelled using generalised linear mixed effect models. The results indicate that moose densities are a significant factor in levels of browsing damage, with roe deer having some impact, but that increases in red deer densities produced possibly the biggest impacts of all. Increased use of land for agriculture also leads to greater browsing damages. Although much of the physical browsing may be conducted by moose, competition from the other ungulates may be leading to increased browsing on pine. While increased disturbance from agricultural land, and the restrictions to daytime movement that result, may also be driving increased browsing damages. Further studies are needed to confirm the drivers behind the browsing damages, but these results will provide a better framework for landscape scale management that considers both the presence of multiple species, and the use of the surrounding landscape.

Main title:Factors affecting damage to Scots pine in a multiple ungulate species system
Authors:Knibb, Matthew
Supervisor:Cromsigt, Joris and Singh, Navinder
Examiner:Hjältén, Joakim
Series:Examensarbete / SLU, Institutionen för vilt, fisk och miljö
Volume/Sequential designation:2018:5
Year of Publication:2018
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:SM003 Management of Fish and Wildlife Populations - Master's Programme 120 HEC
Supervising department:(S) > Dept. of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies
Keywords:ungulate, browsing damage, dung pellet group counts, land use, weather
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Pests of plants
Forestry production
Animal ecology
Deposited On:05 Sep 2018 10:32
Metadata Last Modified:05 Sep 2018 10:32

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