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Davidsson, Emelie and Karlsson, Anna, 2008. Jag kanske tycker om att vara chef men ibland tycker jag inte om att ha anställda : en kvalitativ studie om arbetsgivarrollen inom mjölkproduktion. SLU, Dept. of People and Society, Alnarp. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. of People and Society



Denna uppsats tar upp problematiken kring arbetsgivarrollen inom mjölkproduktion. För att få en inblick i vardagen och vilka utmaningar arbetsgivarrollen medför har vi intervjuat tio stycken mjölkproducenter som befinner sig i denna situation.

Titeln bygger på ett uttalande från en av mjölkproducenterna "… jag kanske tycker om att vara chef men ibland tycker jag inte om att ha anställda…". Citatet belyser hur mjölkproducenterna relaterar till rollen som arbetsgivare. Hur de uppfattar sig själva och relaterar till chefskapet är två grundläggande faktorer som är viktiga för att fungera bra i sin roll som arbetsgivare. Att skapa ett trevligt och positivt arbetsklimat, tydliggöra företagets mål samt att våga delegera är andra viktiga faktorer man måste ha i beaktande. Dessa faktorer leder till att man får självgående, delaktig och engagerad personal.

Intervjumaterialet har analyserats och tolkats för att vidare leda fram oss till en förståelse för resultatet. Resultatet ligger till grund för den teorigenerering som producerats i denna uppsatsen.


How dairy producers today view their role as employers? To get a better idea of this, we
decided to do a qualitative study by interviewing ten dairy farmers who has hired
workers. The selected farmers in this study had one to four employed animal keepers.
The range of the herd size varied between 50 – 270 milking dairy cows.
How do these farmers create an attractive workplace for an employee to be happy at
work and to continue being employed? Mainly, how do they look at themselves as
employers, is it something they appreciate or is it a necessity to be able to increase their
company and still have the opportunity of a social life? We have analyzed the interviews
by coding the data and finding patterns accordingly theory generated method.
After analyzing the interviews and reading complementing literature we feel that the
main conclusion we found out was that it is easier to be an employer if you appreciate
the role. When you have certain knowledge about yourself and your business goals a lot
of difficulties the role as an employer can bring have been made easier to overtake. To
have obvious business goals such as a certain amount of milk, milk quality, orderliness
or getting off work in time can be a way to move the company to a higher level. It is also
important how to intermediate the demands and create an understanding amongst the
employees. Understanding makes it easier for the employees to prioritize and always do
their best to reach the company goals. Goals can also be connected to rewards of
different kinds but the most important thing is probably the understanding of what they
accomplish with their work in the end. To feel as an employee that you are a part of a
bigger picture and that you together create something good.
It can be difficult to enter the role as a leader if you have worked earlier only in a
solitaire business. Suddenly somebody else is doing your job and maybe not in the same
way as you have always done it. This takes a lot of understanding to the fact that
everybody does not do things the same way, and other ways to do the same thing might
be just as good. If you want employees that think for themselves and also handle by own
initiative you need to let go of controlling details. To delegate responsibility and work
makes the employees to grow with their task and therefore feel more engaged in the
The aim group of this paper is dairy producers in a current employer situation. We hope
to give some good advice about this role and how handle their workers.

Main title:Jag kanske tycker om att vara chef men ibland tycker jag inte om att ha anställda
Subtitle:en kvalitativ studie om arbetsgivarrollen inom mjölkproduktion
Authors:Davidsson, Emelie and Karlsson, Anna
Supervisor:Alwall Svennefelt, Catharina
Series:Examensarbete (Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för jordbrukets biosystem och teknologi, Affärsledarskap för den gröna sektorn)
Volume/Sequential designation:13
Year of Publication:2008
Level and depth descriptor:Other
Student's programme affiliation:Other
Supervising department:(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of People and Society
Keywords:arbetsgivarroll, mjölkproduktion, chefskap
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:?? 4815 ??
Economics and management
Deposited On:20 Nov 2017 09:30
Metadata Last Modified:20 Nov 2017 09:30

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