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Råberg, Tora, 2007. Permaculture design in an ecovillage : in theory and practise. SLU, Horticulture, Alnarp. Alnarp: SLU, Horticulture



This essay presents guidelines how to approach a local ecosystem, taking into account
biological, geological, chemical and hydrological assets in order to obtain a sustainable
and self-sufficient farming system conserving and increasing local biodiversity.
Biodiversity is a key factor in ecosystem structure and function. Conservation of
biodiversity is now a legal obligation for the member states of the European
Community. The guidelines will be presented both in general theory based on
permaculture principles and with a specific case on a newly started ecovillage in
Chozas, northwest Spain. The type of weed species found on a piece of land is an
indicator of soil and above ground microclimate characteristics. Their indicator values
have been used in the decision making of what species are suited for each specific field.
The planting patterns suggested are designed to achieve a high yield with the use of as
little labour as possible taking the observed parameters into account. There is a focus on perennial plants and plant combinations using different layers above and below the soil.Competition between species in mixed stands (interspecific competition) differs from
that between plants within monocultures (intraspecific competition) in that the
component species of a multispecies design may impose different demands on the
available resources. Competition may be more severe between similar species than
between species with contrasting growth patterns and nutritional needs. Even so, all
plants compete for the same resources (light, water and nutrients). There is an
overlapping of resource requirement with nitrogen fixing plants as an exception.

Main title:Permaculture design in an ecovillage
Subtitle:in theory and practise
Authors:Råberg, Tora
Supervisor:Karlen, Helena
Series:Bachelor project in the Horticultural Science programme
Volume/Sequential designation:2007:2
Year of Publication:2007
Level and depth descriptor:Other
Student's programme affiliation:YTRIN Horticultural Management Programme (admitted 2005-2006) 120 HEC
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Horticulture
Keywords:ecosystem, permaculture, sustainability, self-sufficiency, ecovillage, biodiversity, indicator plants, conservation, perennials, design, microclimate, polyculture, policulture, agroforestry, companion planting, multilayer, intercropping, forest garden, permaculture design, zones and sectors
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Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:SLU > (LTJ, LTV) > Horticulture (until 121231)
Landscape architecture
Deposited On:26 Oct 2017 11:47
Metadata Last Modified:27 Oct 2017 04:01

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