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Olsson, Henrik, 2005. Maskinsamverkan mellan två halländska gårdar. SLU, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (from 130101), Alnarp. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (from 130101)



After been told that an ordinary winter service for our combine should cost more than
20000 SEK, not included spare parts, I decided to write this paper about today's
requirement of the workshop on a farm. I think that the lack of proper premises is the
reason way not more of the ordinary machinery maintenance or upkeep is performed on
the farm.
When I did my literature survey I found that the Swedish environmental code, set by the
Swedish law regulate how drain or sewer should be built. The environmental code
however leaves a lot for your own interpretation. It might not be so bad but it must be
very hard for the local environmental office to interpretation the regulations, since they
are the ones that gives permission for the sewer in your workshop. If they establish a
small or insignificant environmental influence they give their permission, if not the
matter goes further.
When it comes to fire safety the main Swedish insurance company bases their demands
on the recommendations from the Swedish agriculture fire security committee (LBK).
Those recommendations distinguish the between workshop in existing building and
workshop in free-standing building. Free-standing means building not closer than 15 m
from nearest other building.
For collecting facts I spoke to the different public authorities such as National
Environment Protection Board to find out where I could find written information about
the subject. I also interviewed four farmers that recently built their own farm workshop.
Two of them have built in existing buildings and two of them have built new freestanding
In the result from the interviews it shows that the two farmers with brand new
workshops in free-standing buildings is very happy with both shop size (length, width
and height) and the indoor design. These two buildings where kept warm all the time,
either with water based floor heating or air based heating.
The two farmers that build their workshop in existing buildings very happy with the
placement compared to the other buildings on the farm. On the other hand could they
state that existing buildings often had limitations concerning length, width and height.
Both farmers had chosen a system that warmed up the workshop quickly.
Finally I would like to say that it's been very interesting to do this paper. I have seen a
couple of god example of farm-workshops and I've got some new ideas for our
workshop at home I hope this paper will be interesting for you to read as well.
The hardest thing with this paper has been to find the right person at the right place,
especially at the public authority.
My conclusions is that you always have to discuss the location, construction and heating
system with your insurance company. Further you have to talk with your local
environmental office concerning sewer. When it comes to the workshop size I suggest
that the height should not be less than 4,5 m. This guarantees that you can fit in all the
vehicles that are allowed to drive on the public roads. I can also state that today's big
combines require a floor space of 8 by 11 m if you want to be able to keep both side
hatches open at the same time.


Jag har undersökt vad två gårdar i södra Halland kan spara i maskinkostnader genom ett samarbete med maskiner. Resultatet är inte allmängiltigt utan är grundat på gårdarnas förutsättningar. Anledningen till att valet föll på dessa gårdar är dels att jag är delägare i en av gårdarna och dels för att den andra gården kan bli en framtida samarbetspartner.
Produkter från lantbruket har inte hängt med övriga produkters prisutveckling den senaste tiden. Mellan 1990 och 2002 har enligt Barreng (2004) exempelvis energikostnaderna ökat med drygt 50% medan spannmålspriset har minskat med 50% i värde. Med dessa förutsättningar får maskinkostnaden inte uppta för stor del av produktionskostnaderna.
Jag har med hjälp av dataprogrammet Stank räknat ut vad dagens maskinkostnader per hektar och år är på de två halländska gårdarna och vad kostnaden kan bli med ett framtida samarbete.
Resultatet visar tydligt att det finns stor lönsamhet i ett samarbete mellan gårdarna. Målet var att nå en maskinkostnad under 2150 kr per ha. Det visade sig inte uppfyllas helt. På båda gårdarna förekommer en del specialgrödor som medför högre kostnader. Det kan vara en anledning till att jag inte nådde ner till de 2150 kr/ha. I framtiden kanske det är nödvändigt att öka arealunderlaget ytterligare för att få ett bättre maskinutnyttjande och en bättre maskinekonomi.

Main title:Maskinsamverkan mellan två halländska gårdar
Authors:Olsson, Henrik
Supervisor:Hallefält, Fredrik
Series:Examensarbete i lantmästarprogrammet / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Volume/Sequential designation:2005:56
Year of Publication:2005
Level and depth descriptor:Other
Student's programme affiliation:LMP Agricultural and Rural Management Programme (admitted before July 1, 2007) 120 HEC
Supervising department:(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (from 130101)
Keywords:maskiner, ekonomiska fördelar
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Agriculture - General aspects
Deposited On:02 Oct 2017 12:05
Metadata Last Modified:02 Oct 2017 12:05

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