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Schenck, Jessica, 2008. Staggering disease in cats in Sweden : development of molecular methods for detection and genetic characterization of Borna disease virus strains. SLU, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health (until 231231), Uppsala. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health (until 231231)



The aim of this project was to get clearer knowledge about the spread of Borna disease virus (BDV) by comparing sequences from BDV infected cats from different regions in Sweden. BDV is associated with staggering disease (SD), a feline neurological disorder that causes non-suppurative meningoencephalomyelitis. However, cats showing signs for SD are not always confirmed to be BDV infected. In order to get a broader picture of the possible etiological cause/s of SD, molecular screening of viruses using random amplification and sequencing was performed. This study includes eight cats, whereas four were previously positive for BDV in nested RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR analysis and four cats, only histopathology examined, where three showed signs for SD. Molecular epidemiology approach with RT-PCR and nested RT-PCR for previously positive cats gave PCR products at incorrect as well as correct sizes. However, sequencing showed only feline origin. Since real-time RT-PCR also was negative, one hypothesis is that the RNA had degraded or disappeared through the RNA extraction process. Nested PCR was also performed for the four new cats. Also here the sequencing showed only presence of feline origin. However, for these cats, real-time RT-PCR was positive for the pooled PCR product. Molecular screening of viruses for these four cats showed as before only sequences of feline origin. This project has identified some of the problems of studying RNA viruses present in small amounts in brain tissue. There is always a risk that the RNA is lost during the RNA extraction process. Therefore, further studies are needed to provide more information about the BDV molecular epidemiology in Sweden.


Syftet med projektet var att få mer kunskap om spridning av bornavirus (BDV)
genom att jämföra sekvenser från BDV-infekterade katter från olika regioner i
Sverige. BDV är associerat med vingelsjuka hos katt, en neurologisk sjukdom som
karakteriseras av en non-purulent meningoencefalomyelit. Dock kan vingelsjuka inte
alltid kopplas till BDV-infektion. För att få en bredare bild av tänkbara etiologiska
orsaker till vingelsjuka utfördes även molekylär screening av virus med slumpmässig
amplifiering och sekvensering. Här studeras åtta kattprover, varav fyra tidigare
positiva för BDV vid PCR och realtids-PCR analyser. De resterande fyra katterna
hade enbart undersökts histopatologiskt där tre visade tecken på vingelsjuka. PCRanalysen
för tidigare positiva katter gav band vid fel eller korrekta storlekar.
Sekvensering visade dock enbart PCR-produkt från katt. Eftersom även resultatet från
realtids-PCR var negativt finns det risk för att RNA har degraderat eller försvunnit
under extraheringen. PCR-analys utfördes för de fyra nya katterna som enbart
studerats histopatologiskt. Även här visade sekvensering enbart RNA från katt. För
dessa katter gav emellertid realtids-PCR ett positivt resultat för poolad PCR-produkt.
Molekylär screening av virus för dessa fyra katter visade bara på värdprodukt för både
DNA och RNA. Detta projekt visar problematiken med RNA-virus, som finns i små
halter i hjärnvävnad. Det finns även en risk att RNA försvinner vid extrahering av
RNA. Därför krävs ytterligare studier för att ge mer information om molekylär
epidemiologi av BDV i Sverige.

Main title:Staggering disease in cats in Sweden
Subtitle:development of molecular methods for detection and genetic characterization of Borna disease virus strains
Authors:Schenck, Jessica
Supervisor:Johansson Wensman, Jonas
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2008
Level and depth descriptor:Other
Student's programme affiliation:BTEMP Biotechnology Programme 240 HEC
Supervising department:(VH) > Dept. of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health (until 231231)
Keywords:BDV, borna disease virus, SD, staggering disease, RNA virus, virus, neurological disorder
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Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:?? 7041 ??
Veterinary science and hygiene - General aspects
Deposited On:04 Oct 2017 11:44
Metadata Last Modified:04 Oct 2017 11:44

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