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Karlsson, Elin and Skagerling, Elin, 2017. Transforming Nyhamnen : using evolutionary design as a tool for developing flood adapted urban spaces. First cycle, G2E. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (from 130101)



This master’s project aims at investigating how an evolutionary rather than static approach to design can be applied to harbour areas undergoing urban redevelopment. More specifically, this approach is used as a tool for developing a step-by-step design that is able to manage flooding from cloudbursts or a rise of sea level throughout different phases of an urban redevelopment process. Currently undergoing urban redevelopment, the harbour Nyhamnen in Malmö will constitute the area to which this concept of evolutionary, flood adapted design will be applied. From a flood risk point of view, this harbour can be argued to be a complex site for urban redevelopment; located on hardscape, infill land not far above sea level, Nyhamnen constitutes an area that is especially vulnerable towards flooding. Yet, Malmö stad has already started the process of turning this harbour into a dense city district.
The flood adapted, evolutionary design concept presented in this project is divided into three consecutive steps; the first step relates to the current structure of Nyhamnen, the second step relates to the awaiting constructional phase of the area, and the third step relates to its future structure, as it is proposed by Malmö stad. By relating our design proposal to several stages of Nyhamnen’s transformational state, we are able to emphasize the changing, evolving requisites of this harbour. Our evolutionary approach to design is thus able to illustrate the difficulties of planning for an uncertain future, both in relation to the future state of the climate and to the future structure of Nyhamnen.

Through in-field studies and studio work, this master’s project utilizes a method where research is conducted through design. This method centres on a design process that includes readings and explorations of Nyhamnen’s areas of influence and effect, resulting in a delimitation of a specific site, an area of control, to which our design proposal is applied. This main method of this project is further complemented with literature studies and case studies. In addition to concerning theories about site, these studies also concern research about climate change and storm- and floodwater management, theories about the concept of temporary uses, and of practical examples of site designs that incorporate methods for flood management or temporary uses.

Main title:Transforming Nyhamnen
Subtitle:using evolutionary design as a tool for developing flood adapted urban spaces
Authors:Karlsson, Elin and Skagerling, Elin
Supervisor:Diedrich, Lisa Babette
Examiner:Lindholm, Gunilla
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2017
Level and depth descriptor:First cycle, G2E
Student's programme affiliation:LY002 Landscape Architecture Programme, Alnarp 300 HEC
Supervising department:(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (from 130101)
Keywords:flooding, stormwater management, Nyhamnen, harbour redevelopment, cloudbursts, sea level rise, climate change
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Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Landscape architecture
Deposited On:28 Aug 2017 11:20
Metadata Last Modified:28 Aug 2017 11:20

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