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Daun, Adrian, 2017. Is there potential for growth in Cuban exports to the EU? : a gravity model approach. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Economics



Cuba has since the fall of the Soviet Union been running large trade deficits and its government has urged the Cuban firms to become more export oriented. This thesis aims to examine the Cuban export potential towards its largest export markets in the EU. A gravity model is estimated using panel data for the years 2010 to 2014 containing exports from developing countries towards the 35 OECD members. The results suggest that, overall, there is room for growth in Cuban exports towards the EU. However, the results should be taken into account with caution due to the limitations of the thesis. It could prove difficult for Cuba to reach its full potential in the EU market due to current political situations and trade barriers.


Kuba har sedan Sovjetunionens upplösning haft stora handelsunderskott och Kubas regering har uppmanat landets företag att bli mer exportorienterade. Denna kandidatuppsats kommer beräkna Kubas exportpotential till deras största exportmarknader i EU. En gravitationsmodell estimeras med hjälp av paneldata från 2010 till 2014 bestående av exporter från utvecklingsländer till de 35 OECD medlemmarna. Resultaten fastställer att det finns utrymme för Kuba att öka sina exporter till EU. Men på grund av begränsningarna av uppsatsen bör resultaten tolkas med försiktighet. I det nuvarande läget kan det dock vara svårt för Kuba att nå sin fulla potential i EU:s marknad med anledning av politiska relationer och handelshinder.

Main title:Is there potential for growth in Cuban exports to the EU?
Subtitle:a gravity model approach
Authors:Daun, Adrian
Supervisor:Abouhatab, Assem and Surry, Yves
Examiner:Hart, Robert
Series:Examensarbete / SLU, Institutionen för ekonomi
Volume/Sequential designation:1095
Year of Publication:2017
Level and depth descriptor:First cycle, G2E
Student's programme affiliation:NK005 Economics and Management - Bachelor's Programme, 180.0hp
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Dept. of Economics
Keywords:Cuba, export potential, fixed effect, gravity model
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Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Economics and management
Deposited On:10 Jul 2017 10:44
Metadata Last Modified:10 Jul 2017 10:44

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